v8.28.0 and v8.28.1 Technical Release Notes

Cyndi Arnold Avatar

Written by Cyndi Arnold

Updated on Sep 30, 2024

Core Application Updates


    • Non-haz manifest signature fix
    • Fix waste-stream manifest count
    • Clean up locked-company code
    • Fix manifest creation Site-step
    • Fix manifest waste-stream search
    • Mute manifest create site warning for Portal Admin with SP Mgmt enabled
    • Fix Portal associations to waste_streams (and approvals), manifests & scale tickets by leveraging FK references
    • Fix outbound waste stream site links for portal admins when SP mgmt enabled
    • All approval permission for Portal Admin when SP Mgmt is enabled
    • Ability for portal admin to manage outbound waste streams
    • Update SiteSelectComponent.loadSites logic to handle facility-step and site-step appropriately
    • New waste stream facility site query includes outbound non-portal facility sites
    • Prevents excessive error reports with EPA manifest update job when no manifest with MTN
    • Disable non-facility types when facility selected
    • Only display facility-type toggle if user can manage service providers
    • Move broker-orientation fieldset underneath company-type fieldset
    • Cleanup session portal assignment
    • Fix recovering an archived site that had no EPA ID
    • Fix up end-to-end tests


    • Guard against check-epa-for-update-service errors

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